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Continental Route Setters / Route Setter Exchange Program

Opublikowano: 18-02-2021; 9:42 przez Arkadiusz Kamiński

Poniżej zamieszczamy komunikat IFSC Europe odnośnie „Continental Route Setters / Route Setter Exchange Program”
Osoby zainteresowane udziałem w ww. programie proszone są o przesłanie zgłoszeń wraz z CV w języku angielskim na adres kws@pza.org.pl do dnia 24.02.2021.

KWS dokona wyboru kandydatów i zgłoszenia ich do IFSC Europe.


Dear all,

as you have probably seen during the National Federations Meeting – we are currently planning two novelties concerning Route Setters.

The first concept will make it easier for motivated national Route Setters to get a license to be CRS at IFSC-Europe Events.

In order to do that we need you as a National Federation part of the IFSC to give us the name of a single candidate you think would be suitable to get licensed as a Continental Route Setter.

This candidate, of course, should have experience in setting international Events like EYCs, ECs and EYCHs.

After receiving your candidates we will then invite the most experienced of them to join a Course which will cover the following topics:

  • Safety
  • Organization
  • Rules
  • Mode of Operation

After completion of the Course, these candidates could then be appointed as Continental Route Setters already in the second half of 2021 (of course depending on the development of the Pandemic).

Please be aware that we are currently in the middle of the planning phase – which means we don’t have all the info you might need at the moment.

The second concept is the “Route Setter Exchange Program” – this will help national and continental Route Setters to gain experience in setting international Events.

The idea was presented in the National Federations Meeting, it works as followed: (EXAMPLE)

E.g. Route Setters from Belgium / Austria / Poland:

  • Austrian Route Setters join an Event in Poland (Honorarium and Travel expenses payed by Austria, Accommodation and Food payed by Poland)
  • Then the same pattern continues with Belgian Route Setters in Austria and Polish Route setters in Belgium

